


Sure you're in balance?
Read the story of my aha moment relating to times our bodies send us false or confusing signals of what balance and center feels like.

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Don't Pay Later
86% of Americans aged 65 and over are suffering from 3 degenerative disease processes that could have been managed more effectively if they had done more preventive methods earlier.

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The Amazing Body
Read about a study done with football players about the amazing self-healing ability of the human body.

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Activator Methods®
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Find a Chiropractor, Activator Methods International.

Best Fitness of Schenectady
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Human Hyperformance
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The modern lifestyle is making you old before your time. Your body and mind were designed to work under certain conditions, and the less your life resembles those conditions, the more likely it is that you will break down and wear out. And reality doesn't take excuses or care about feelings.

Find out about a breakthrough fitness system that Olympic and professional athletes use to elevate performance and prevent or rehabilitate injury, while making you look and feel great.



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